I am a 23 year-old female and I first saw Steve when I was 21. I’d been struggling with anxious thoughts and feeling really lonely in my sadness. I was at a time in my life when I felt like I should be feeling the opposite. Things seemed to all be going well for me, but I couldn’t shake these negative feelings. I initially felt like my problems weren't “bad enough to need therapy” and that I was taking up someone else’s space. Steve made me feel completly at home and like all of my emotions were valid and I felt understood. It was like talking to an old friend at times despite never having met. I was recommended Steve by a friend and I can’t begin to explain the difference it’s made to not only my life, but the relationships I have with people around me. Initially my family showed some apprehension of therapy and I felt there was a stigma, but since starting therapy my family can see for themselves the difference it has made to my life. I’ve since been back to Steve for top up sessions as and when I feel I need them and it’s so comforting to know he’s just on the end of a phone should I need him!
I had my first session with Steve when I was 21. Up until this age, I had suffered with anxiety but found myself struggling to come to terms with the acceptance of it. In my early sessions with Steve, he not only helped me gain an understanding of my anxiety, but also greatly assisted with empowering me with the tools to manage it. I am now 26 and for the past few years I have had much greater control in my daily life. Whilst I feel the regular sessions are no longer needed, I still enjoy scheduling what we like to call "maintenance". We book one hour every couple of months to allow me to check in on my mental health. This also ensures I still have a safe space to talk - which I have always appreciated & found very beneficial.
I am a 15 year-old girl and started seeing Steve just before lockdown. I was struggling with issues regarding anxiety and depression but Steve helped me to get over these fears and open myself back up to my friends and family. He helped me to understand myself and who I was. He also rekindled my interests and passions which I had lost and forgotten for a while. Even after Steve went online I feel the sessions still had the same impact and helpfulness. I am doing much better now and no longer feel the same fear and hatred that I did. I occasionally still speak to Steve for a check in and catch up, which I feel is helping my mental health in the long run because even now I still face problems that Steve helps to support me through. I feel more secure and confident in my ability to work through my own problems and live the life I always wanted which I don’t think would’ve been possible had I not of reached out to someone when I needed it. If you are facing any problems no matter how big or small there’s no need to feel shame or insecurity, do like I did and talk to someone before it gets worse.
I came to Steve for counselling following a recommendation from a friend when I was 22. My Dad died when I was a teen, and this cast a shadow over my life. For many years I put on a brave face, achieved academically, and had a good social life; however, I also felt depressed, lonely, and filled with anger and regret. Steve helped me deal with these issues, and better understand why I held onto those feelings for so long.
I moved away from Portsmouth a few years ago, and recently reached out to Steve for help. At first, I was unsure about having sessions via video call as I had seen Steve in-person previously. It has been brilliant, and a lot more convenient than counselling in-person. Steve continues to help me with anxiety and addiction; I am so glad I reached out again for help!
I am a twenty four year-old guy who has been going to therapy on and off for the past two years. I initially was hesitant to reach out for help - I thought both that I could handle things on my own and that I hadn’t been through enough of a difficult time to require therapy. I’m a naturally sociable, chatty guy and so surely I couldn’t/can’t suffer from anxiety?
Whilst I was at University I began to suffer from anxiety - or rather it began to highly impact my day to day life. I didn’t want to attend lectures or seminars in case I was called upon to answer questions. I didn’t want to socialise as I would often want to slip away and felt like I needed to explain myself. Things that to others seemed inconsequential would seem overwhelming to me. My coping mechanism at the time was to shut myself away, not let myself experience things, stop having fun and avoid building relationships.
Since having attended therapy I have found a new lease of life and learnt to cope with anxiety and not let it limit what I do. While initially I wanted all my anxious thoughts to go away and thought this was what therapy would achieve - instead I have learnt that it is possible to have anxious thoughts and not let them dictate what you do with your life. Instead of letting things pile up and causing me to abandon work/friends etc. I have now developed appropriate coping mechanisms, such as reaching out to family and friends, re-engaging with therapy, journalling, taking care of myself physically.
I’m forever grateful to myself for reaching out to a therapist and taking the dip - what at first felt daunting and was unsure I needed, I now highly recommend to anyone, no matter how trivial what you’re feeling may currently seem.
I am a 21 year-old queer female (lesbian), and I have been seeing Steve for approximately two years now. The improvement I’ve seen with my mental health has been incredible. The first time I saw him, he made me feel comfortable to open up to him, he asked what I wanted to get out of this, and I said to get better. He made me realise that I didn’t need to get better, because there was nothing wrong with me. I just needed to find ways to manage how I’m feeling. He helped me get over my prejudices over medication, deal with my trauma effectively, sworn with me, laughed, and sympathised. Steve says that he ‘doesn’t have ex clients, because everyone has their ups and downs, blips’ just knowing there will always be someone there to talk to, makes the world of difference.
I would recommend Steve to all of my friends and family, if I didn’t see him myself. So I recommend him to you.
As a young female I have struggled for as long as I can remember with my mental health and anxiety , it was taking over my daily life . I have tried various therapists but never found the right fit until I found Steve! I can honestly say that therapy saved me and working with Steve has been the most positive experience and changed my life for the better!
I am a 23 year-old straight guy and as someone who has always suffered with anxiety, I started seeing Steve in an attempt to start tackling my problems. I have come a long way since my first session 2 years ago; I have managed to understand and start accepting my mental health, and through our sessions have managed to find many ways to deal with and take control of my anxiety.
I would highly recommend therapy and find my conversations with Steve to be extremely beneficial.
Despite the extraordinary excitement and opportunity of University there are a number of darker undertones prevalent, many of which I was not prepared for. The burden of achievement and 'high performance' bestowed by universities, though socially acceptable, created an environment which left me with a number of warped self-expectations and ideologies, of what was within, or outside, of my control. Leaving me with the fallout of the induced emotional and mental repercussions. This was coupled by a number of complex relationships that shook my self-worth and confidence. Possibly the greatest challenge for me was the bottling of my emotions, thoughts, and fears that developed during my time at university. This led to developing poor coping mechanisms that impacted my current relationship.
Through my weekly sessions with Steven, I explored the root of my fears and doubts, understanding the contributing factors right back at my childhood, and how they were influencing how I responded to my current circumstances. Talking through my various experiences has enabled me to make positive steps forward, better understanding myself, develop healthier coping mechanisms and repair my relationship.
Stephen utilised a friendly, humorous approach creating a welcoming environment to discuss challenging emotional topics. Steven has helped guide me through a number of topics which I had never discussed before and how to overcome the emotional scars left by them in a healthy thoughtful way.
I would highly recommend talking through your fears and concerns, whether they are academic, relating to relationships or other areas of your life.